FAQ Page

Are all the writing services reviewed here legitimate for sure?

Yes. We can guarantee that every single essay writing service reviewed on our site is 100% legitimate. We review only top reputable and reliable services, and we test the writing services ourselves before writing an honest review.

Can I find here custom writing solutions?

You are welcome to browse through our best essay writing services reviews and select the one that mostly suits your needs and requirements. You will find here highly genuine writing companies that offer custom tailored solutions. We never review writing companies that offer pre-written essays, research papers or Resumes. We want the best for you, and we invest time in reviewing top quality services that offer custom tailored papers, according to your exact instructions and needs.

Can I read samples before placing an order with a company?

It depends on the writing services company. Some of them offer free samples that clients can read and see if they like the quality of the paper before actually placing an order. Please feel free to read through our reviews, and check out the companies that we mention as offering “free samples”. Take your time to read the samples, and if you like the quality and the way these papers are written you can place your own order.

What about the academic qualification of the writers?

The writers working for the companies we review all have important academic degrees. They also have got plenty of experience in this work field, so you can rest assured your paper will be written by a writer who is truly knowledgeable in that respective topic/field. The greatest majority of the writers have MA or PhD degrees in different fields, and you can choose the writer that you want to write your paper. If you need a paper for college you can select a writer with a Master’s degree, but if you need an important research paper for the university you should look for a PhD level writer.

Can I stay in contact with the writer assigned to my project?

Most of the companies reviewed here will allow you to stay in constant contact with your writer. You can typically use the chat option, email or direct call options. Check out our reviews carefully and in the customer service part you will find out everything you need to know about the quality of customer service provided by that respective company.

How can I pay for my order?

We like to find reliable and high quality writing services that accept several payment options. We know that flexibility in payments is extremely important in today’s world. Therefore, all major services reviewed here will accept many payment options such as: debit card payment, credit card payments or e-wallet options such as PayPal. This way, you can have the peace of mind that you can pay using the most convenient option.

Do they offer revisions?

We are proud to inform you that we research the market in-depth to find as many companies as possible that offer free revisions. Read our reviews, and you will see there plenty of services that actually offer free revisions as many times as needed for your paper.